Thursday, 25 June 2015

Day 9: Stratford-Upon-Avon to Stonehenge to London (England)

Happy Birthday Leanne!!!

We said 'Hi' to Rita Meadows from Brian 'n Sue - Rita genuinely remembered you, and we took off to Bourton-on-the-Water (a lovely little town).

Main street in Bourton-on-the-Water

...same street

We arrived at Stonehenge - which is a little different to when we last saw it 13 years ago with it being roped off now, and 40 pounds for a family to see them.  The kids loved the 2km walk from the visitor centre (which we thought was a lovely idea, as it was such a nice day), and they barely complained as the transit buses flew past us every couple of minutes.  They also enjoyed the potent smell of manure as we walked along (which, I have to say, was really strong!) so the ride back to the visitors centre in the transit bus ride was a treat.

Once we arrived (thoroughly refreshed) at Stonehenge, the kids actually enjoyed listening to the commentary.

Pretty impressive structure given it was constructed 4500 years ago.

North face of Stonehendge

We then made it into Heathrow and jumped on the Heathrow Express in Paddington, and were really quite impressed. It was clean, new(ish) and there was plenty of space - and we arrived in 15 minutes.  We had a small adventure tracking down our keys for our first air b 'n b apartment in Marylebone, but found the place and went out for dinner with our extended family in London.

It was really good to see Kath, Stephen, Christine, Les, Doreen, Gian, and Jane once again, and we had a lovely dinner at an Italian restaurant at St Pancras International Station (thanks for organising it Doreen!).   It was really good to catch up with everyone, and see some familiar faces overseas - we really enjoyed it.

Christine, Gian, Stephen, Les, and Greg

Kath, Thomas, Emily, Jane, and Doreen

Kath said thankyou to Brian 'n Sue for their gift

Kath (91) and the kids

After Dinner

1 comment:

  1. Dear Emily,

    That two km walk sounds long! We wish were with you in half the places you have been but it's nice to see that you having all that fun with your family. You still have a long way to go to the end of your big trip.

    Did you feel happy or bored at the places that you have been? Was the 2 km walk boring or was it fun?

    Hope you got some sleep after that walk!

    From Miss Ferguson and 5/6W.
