Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Day 22: Paris to Chur (Switzerland)

Bit of travel day today so not too much to blog on.  Left our lovely apartment in Paris and caught the high speed train from Gare de Lyon (Paris) to Zurich.  This was our first fast train ride ever....yay!
Our train .... very exciting
 First class wasn't really that much more at all, so we got the seats on the upper deck which allowed us to take in the France & Switzerland countryside.
The kids got a little bored at the delay getting out of the station....and then pretty much for most of the trip they looked like this... definitely got value for money on these seats with a view... least we took it in

Chuffing along at a decent speed
 Very efficient trains - a few hours later we arrived in Zurich

Made it to Zurich...
Zurich was a nice little city - stacks of people rode bicycles there which was different.  Photos would have been a good idea while we were there - oh well.  We picked up our hire car, and started driving to Chur - a small town that our train departs from tomorrow.  It always feels weird driving on the wrong side of the car - especially a manual one.

Switzerland didn't disappoint though with it's lovely tall lush mountains - we've spared you from the billion photo's.

Not too far our of Zurich towards Chur
 Chur was only an hour or so drive, so we explored Chur that evening.  Heaps of tiny little streets filled with shops

Thomas taking random photo's ... and Em sucking up the limelight

Random man having a bit of fun

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